Our research article is one of the most cited in ACS Infectious Diseases

Our research article on the phage-antibiotic combination therapy is one of the most cited articles in ACS Infectious Diseases. Proud moment for all the authors and contributors. Read this interview by one of the corresponding authors Sebastian Leptihn; https://axial.acs.org/medicinal-chemistry/meet-the-authors-of-the-top-cited-articles-in-acs-infectious-diseases-over-the-last-decade

Read the article here: Manohar et al. “Synergistic Effects of Phage–Antibiotic Combinations against Citrobacter amalonaticus

Prof. Sebastian Leptihn [After many years abroad, in Singapore, Oxford, and China, Professor Sebastian Leptihn is now back in Germany, working on phages as biological antibiotics. Phages can be employed as bacterial killers in an approach called phage therapy. He also enjoys teaching biochemistry and microbiology as a professor in Erfurt (Germany) and at the University of Southern Denmark, in Odense.]